Benefits of Acupuncture
Acupuncture is becoming an increasingly popular treatment, but most people do not know what it can be used for, or if it is the right treatment for them. Acupuncture is a suitable option for many different conditions, whether they are physical or mental, acute or chronic, mild or severe; and there is more research being published all the time showing that acupuncture can be a crucial part of the healing journey. Due to the nature of the treatment, there are even powerful benefits for those already in good health. Keep reading to learn about some of the benefits of acupuncture on its own, and compared to conventional treatments.
A Safer Alternative
Acupuncture is a time-tested therapy, having been practiced in Asia for thousands of years. In the twentieth century, it began to gain attention from the Western scientific and medical communities as well. There is now a large, growing body of research on the benefits of acupuncture, with millions of Americans undergoing treatment each year.
While it might seem scary or painful at first, acupuncture has actually been proven as a very safe and well-tolerated treatment. Because the needles used are so thin (about the width of a human hair), they are often not felt when they are inserted. Acupuncture has been shown to have little to no negative side effects in the vast majority of cases, when performed by a certified professional. The side effects that have been reported are typically mild, including slight pricks from the needles, dizziness, and a drop of blood at the needling site. Most people find the treatments pleasant, painless, relaxing, and rejuvenating.
Immediate and Lasting Effects
Certain effects of acupuncture are immediate, mainly a sense of calm and an elevated mood caused by the release of “feel good chemicals” called endorphins. Therapeutic effects accumulate with repeated treatments, which is why it is recommended to receive treatment weekly or biweekly for at least 2 to 3 months, depending on the condition.
Most importantly, studies have shown that the healing benefits of acupuncture last over time. For treating seasonal allergies, symptom relief and improved quality of life can persist for 4 weeks after treatments end. When used for chronic pain, relief can persist for a year after a treatment course. This means that once symptoms have significantly improved, patients can reduce the number of sessions needed to maintain their results.
A Drug-Free, Holistic Option
In Western medicine, the go-to line of treatment for virtually any health complaint is to prescribe pharmaceutical drugs. It is estimated that two-thirds of Americans take daily medications, and on average, have 4 different prescriptions. Medications can certainly be beneficial, but in many cases, they do not actually heal the root cause of the condition. Instead, they are meant to manage the symptoms, while the condition goes on untreated. Additionally, the majority of medications have a long list of negative side effects that can become serious problems themselves.
In recent years, more and more people are becoming unsatisfied with the impersonal, drug-based, profit-oriented system of Western medicine, and are looking for an alternative, complimentary system. This is where holistic medicine comes in, of which acupuncture is a major part.
Holistic medicine is based on the Eastern approach of treating the whole person, not just one part of them. Most holistic treatments are gentle, natural, and encourage the body to heal itself. There is growing evidence suggesting that acupuncture can be effective at treating certain conditions where pharmaceutical drugs fall short. This is because it stimulates the body to heal underlying problems and produce pain-relieving, mood-boosting compounds on its own, instead of taking a drug to do so.
Acupuncture is a great option for people who have had problems with their medications, such as limited efficacy or severe side effects. It is also ideal for those who do not want to or cannot swallow pills. For patients already taking medication, there is no risk from adding acupuncture to their treatment regimen. However, keep in mind that you should check with your doctor before stopping any medication or trying a new medical treatment, like acupuncture.
Physical, Mental, and Emotional Benefits
Many people who begin acupuncture treatments for physical conditions find that they also receive mental and emotional benefits, such as reduced anxiety, lower stress levels, an improved sense of wellbeing, and motivation to further pursue holistic wellness. These effects are caused by the endorphins that the body releases during treatment, which impact the body and the mind simultaneously. Because of this, acupuncture is an effective treatment for a range of both physical and mental issues.
Want to read more about how acupuncture can improve mental health? Click here.
Improves Sleep Naturally
Approximately 30-40% of Americans experience insomnia per year. For those who frequently struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep through the night, the most common treatments are melatonin supplements, over-the-counter sleep aids, and prescription benzodiazepines. However, there are certain drawbacks associated with taking sleep medications, especially when they are used multiple times a week. The main one is that the body easily builds tolerance, in as little as 2 to 4 weeks after beginning to take them. This means that they become less effective over time, so a higher dose is needed to achieve the same effects.
For benzodiazepines in particular, there is a dangerously high potential for misuse, addiction, and overdose, due to the nature of the drug. Even for those who would not consider themselves addicted, they might find that they can no longer sleep without taking them at night, and are therefore still dependent on them. For these reasons, many people are looking for a safer alternative.
Studies have found that for patients with insomnia, acupuncture helped them fall asleep sooner and stay asleep longer than they would have without treatment. This is because acupuncture increases natural melatonin levels, regulating patients’ circadian rhythms and producing a calming effect. Additionally, acupuncture is typically reported to be very relaxing to both the muscles and the mind, so having a treatment later in the day can set the stage for a good night’s sleep. As such, regular acupuncture treatments could offer a safer, more natural alternative to taking sleep medications.