Acupuncture Q&A
Does Acupuncture hurt?
Acupuncture is usually without any pain. It is usual that someone is coming in for a treatment with pain and they are hurting or sensitive. There may be a small pinching feeling, but the goal of the practitioner is for the patient to not feel pain or hurt.
If I need an Acupuncture treatment but feel scared, fearful, or hesitant about needles, then what?
There is a needle-free Acupuncture session, just ask for it when scheduling, or switch during treatment. It is wonderful and calming.
How many sessions will Acupuncture take?
Some see results after the first Acupuncture treatment while others it may take four or five treatments. We typically like to see a person for a cycle of four to six sessions, and then maintenance sessions, once a month to once a season.
Am I clothed? Or what kind of Acupuncture is not clothed?
You are always with underwear and a sheet. Most Acupuncture treatments can be done with all of your clothes on if you request. It is up to your comfort level and if you want Chinese Cupping Massage done as well.
Will I bleed?
In Acupuncture, there are only certain points that may have a drop of blood, and for a reason of heat or pressure release. Most patient treatments do not have any blood. The needles actually sit within a pore since they are so thin, and they do not cut the skin.