Breakthrough Trauma with NeurOptimal®

The Path of Peace

The cutting edge technology of NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback lends itself a loyal friend on the path of recovery and liberation. This non-invasive therapeutic treatment serves as a guiding light to elevate mental function, without needing to reopen the pain. 

NeurOptimal® is empirically proven to empower your brain to simply put—get out of its own way. Just as the body builds muscle at the gym, NeurOptimal® creates the space your brain needs to self-optimize towards mental states of ease, clarity, and pure presence with every training session. NeurOptimal® increases accessibility to states of mind that propel you forward in life, breaking free from the patterns that no longer serve you.

How Trauma Impacts Psyche 

The key areas of the brain affected by trauma shut down our higher level of thinking when we are in states of crisis. Consistent triggers that elicit survival responses increase the propensity of mental states of dis-ease that make it difficult for the brain to access self-awareness, clear thinking, focus, and healthy coping strategies.

Trauma can also influence our memory, distorting or even preventing memories from storing at all. The impact of trauma creates dysregulation loopholes where our mental function is caught in perceiving harmless scenarios as threats to our sense of safety, even when no danger is present based on how trauma wires the brain. When the throws of trauma have dysregulated our brain, our ability to connect with others and our own self, make decisions, self-regulate, and reason through difficult times becomes ever more challenging. In this state of survival we become disconnected from our own body and its physical sensations and emotions. To cope with life, we dissociate, numb, experience anxiety, wear ourselves down, and even are moved into bouts of outburst. 

Think about vehicles with blind spot sensing technology. If you go to merge and there is a car in your blind spot, the vehicle alerts you through sound and light, ultimately giving you the opportunity to stay in your lane. NeurOptimal® is your brain’s personal trainer, enriching your process of growth and transformation through the power of your very own brain. Just as practice with anything brings fluidity, with NeurOptimal® your brain is primed to organize itself more efficiently. 

NeurOptimal® is an evolution and adaptation of neurofeedback, in which it does not train specific functions of brain wave activity via a meditator, but rather allows your brain to do its own course correction, and therefore has no side effects, evaluation, diagnosis, and requires no conscious participation by the client. If you want to learn more on the differences between traditional Neurofeedback and NeurOptimal® feedback click here. It merely is a technology that presents information to your brain in a way it can be understood, and if your brain sees no use–it will simply ignore the information the way you tune out background noise. 

Trauma’s Influence on Life

Navigating life alongside trauma is a lot like driving a car with the emergency brake on. Caught in between waves of uncertainty and indecision, we become stuck in the same cyclical loops. We feel powerless to the creative potential of our own lives. As time moves forward, the weight of trauma holds tightly onto the familiar past, creating narratives of limitation, scarcity, and ultimately fear. These inner thoughts queue behaviors that create a reality that's centered on comfort and safety, even if that is at the cost of our growth. 

How the Brain Operates

Our brains are their own world–layered and connected by their left and right hemispheres. The lowest layers of the brain, the reptilian and mammalian layers, are the seat of our emotions and are responsible for monitoring the world around us to keep us safe from danger. If danger is detected, hormones that influence movement are released (fight, flight, or freeze) in response to the environmental trigger(s). We can assess how an individual is influenced by the accumulation of stress, anxiety, shock or trauma, their attitude towards challenges, and if they are functioning in survival mode behavior. 

The rational brain or neocortex, sits on top of the reptilian and mammalian brain layers. It is developed through language and abstraction and is responsible for how we assign value and meaning to things through our actions, play, reflection, and inquiries. The neocortex is the executive of the office, concerned with time management, the sequence of actions, understanding how things/people work, and how to accomplish goals. This layer of the brain is the seat of empathy and where we tune to our moral compass. 

NeurOptimal Feedback: A Silver Lining

Healing from trauma occurs on different levels, addressing not only our brains but our bodies, which store unconscious information. Healing through trauma happens not only in the conscious mind, but through the unconscious knowing and listening to the wisdom of the body.

When we are ready to shift our way of being into alignment with our true expansive nature, we find the courage and strength within us to actively create our lives. With the infinite possibilities, NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback simplifies serves as the rumble strips to the mind, navigating you towards your desired outcome. 

How Does it Work? 

Essentially, NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback is a simple yet refined system that communicates with your brain. It was designed to work in harmony with your mind, uncovering the limitless potential that already exists within you.

The session begins by placing sensors on your scalp that measure the electrical activity of your brain. During the session you listen to music and can watch a movie while NeurOptimal® watches your brain activity. The music is paused when it detects instability in brain function. These pauses sound similar to a scratched vinyl skipping on a record player, and may be recognized consciously or unconsciously. This turns your awareness onto itself. NeurOptimal’s® simple yet impactful technology communicates with your brain the way you’d see your reflection in a mirror. Without the need of mediation, your brain is given the space to see itself and course-correct on its own.

Benefits of NeurOptimal® 

Studies have shown that NeurOptimal® training has shifted brains in survival mode (dominant reptilian functioning) to the high functioning level of the neocortex. So what does this mean exactly? 

  • Significant reduction of survival brain activity

  • Reduction of stress and anxiety 

  • Aids in stress management 

  • Transform behavioral patterns with success

  • Increases overall ease of wellbeing 

  • Increase ability to self-regulate (providing long term benefits to mental and emotional wellbeing)

  • Releases patterns that get in the way of optimal functioning by giving your brain the information it needs to succeed 

You can look forward to personalized sessions, as no treatment is ever the same, making every session an adaptive experience. At the root of its design, the creators Drs. Brown (husband and wife duo) believe that the brain is an intelligent, self-organizing dynamical system that can utilize information to its own benefit. Talk about empowerment!