

What Is Neuroplasticity?

Neuroplasticity generally refers to the brain’s ability to modify, change, and adapt throughout life. If we break this word down, ‘neuro’ refers to neurons, the nerve cells that are the building block of the central nervous system. The human brain is composed of about 100 billion neurons. Plasticity or its base word ‘plastic’, means that they are adaptive and can be altered when the brain recognizes the need for adaptation. The brain’s neuroplasticity explains how we are able to master new skills, store memories and information and even recover after a traumatic brain injury.

Neuroptimal neurodeedback at Vivify Wellness at Avenues in Fairlawn Ohio

The brain adapts to changes in an individual’s environment in two main ways: one is by forming new neural connections, called ‘sprouting’, and ‘rerouting’ where the brain creates an alternate neural pathway around damaged neurons. A real-life example of this would be an individual who has experienced a severe head injury who relearns skills like walking or talking. While not all damage is reversible, many people regain skills temporarily lost because, with neuroplasticity, the brain can repair old neural pathways or create new ones.

Benefits of Neuroplasticity

There are many benefits of brain neuroplasticity. In allowing your brain to adapt and change, this helps promote:

  • The ability to learn new things

  • The ability to enhance your existing cognitive capabilities

  • Recovery from strokes and traumatic brain injuries

  • Strengthening areas if some functions are lost or decline

Activities to Increase Neuroplasticity

The good news is there are a variety of activities that are enjoyable that can also promote neuroplasticity. The even better news is that these pastimes are easy to incorporate into your usual routines.

Learning New Things Improves Neuroplasticity

Do you have any bucket-list items that involve learning something new? Research has shown that pursuits such as learning a new language or learning how to play an instrument can have a positive effect on neuroplasticity. Its ok if you are terrible at this new hobby at first, your ability will improve with time and practice, along with your new neural pathways.

learning to play an instrument can improve neuroplasticity

Travel and Cognitive Enhancement

Traveling to somewhere new can also enhance brain flexibility. Experiencing new cultures and world-views opens up the mind to new perspectives and has cognitive benefits. But it doesn’t have to be long-distance travel, an experience as simple as taking a walk in a new neighborhood can enhance cognitive flexibility.

Exercise and Brain Flexibility

In addition to all the physical and emotional benefits gained from regular exercise, aerobic exercise promotes increased blood flow and cell growth in the brain. Want to kick it up a notch? Engage in a physical activity you’ve never tried before, where you will learn new movements and skills in addition.

Neurofeedback and Neuroplasticity

Neurofeedback technologies were developed as a result of the discovery of brain neuroplasticity. Neurofeedback systems engage and guide the brain in order to improve neuroplasticity. Over time, the brain physically rearranges itself, ultimately rerouting the previous maladaptive psychological and behavioral patterns and becoming more flexible.

NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback and Neuroplasticity

man relaxing in reclining chair while experiencing neuroptimal neurofeedback

Neuroptimal® Neurofeedback, a very unique form of neurofeedback, can promote neuroplasticity improvements naturally and non-invasively. You can think of NeurOptimal® brain training as holding up a mirror to your brain. Imagine you had not seen yourself in a mirror in a long time. Once you see your reflection, you naturally start adjusting yourself, maybe standing a little taller, straightening up your hair and so on. The mirror provides the information you need to correct and adjust yourself. And so it is with the brain.

This happens over and over until the natural self-correction becomes your new normal and your brain functions more efficiently, effectively and comfortably. NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback is respectful of your brain’s own process and does not push it by telling it what to achieve in a session. The brain does its own reorganizing, inherently a natural and gentle process.

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