Neuroptimal® FAQs


How does NeurOptimal® work?

NeurOptimal® is a unique form of Neurofeedback. Think of Neurofeedback like exercise for the brain. Neurofeedback provides information to your brain that it cannot perceive or receive in any other way. It communicates with the brain in its own language: brain waves.  
During a session, you wear a few tiny sensors that pick up the brain’s electrical activity, and listen to a specifically designed instrumental soundtrack. When the NeurOptimal® system detects an inefficiency in the brain, it mirrors the signal back in real time so the brain can learn to reorganize and become more efficient. All of this happens without your knowledge, but you will occasionally hear a pause or ‘skip’ in the soundtrack. This indicates that NeurOptimal® is detecting an ‘instability’ in your brain’s frequencies.

Read more here.


How often do I need to do NeurOptimal® sessions?

Everyone is different, it depends on each individual’s needs. Typically most clients see improvements after 6 sessions or less, so we usually recommend 6 as a general guideline. There is some evidence to suggest that ‘front loading’ multiple sessions in a short period of time is beneficial.


What are the side effects of NeurOptimal®?

Most people have little to no side-effects. Usually, our clients report feeling more relaxed, calm, less stressed, and have more clarity of mind after a NeurOptimal® session, however just like a visit to the gym can leave you feeling temporarily worn out, with NeurOptimal® Brain Training, some clients report feelings of fatigue and sleepiness afterward.


Is NeurOptimal® covered by insurance?

At this time, most insurances do not offer coverage for Neurofeedback. However, NeurOptimal® was approved by the FDA in 2018 as a general wellness product, and many Health Savings Accounts and Flexible Spending Accounts will reimburse you. Because these policies vary widely, we recommend you call your own provider directly and ask for details on your specific coverage.


Does it work?

Asking “Does neurofeedback work?” is similar to asking if all medications work. The answer is more complicated than a simple yes or no. The results depend on many factors, like whether the treatment is the right fit for a patient’s condition or ability of the treatment to change a patient’s brain biology. For example, some people may not see benefits from neurofeedback because they are not using the right system for their needs.

Many NeurOptimal® users report life changing results. Elite athletes have used NeurOptimal®, reporting improvement in their physical performance and mental stamina. Sufferers of sleeplessness report improved sleep. Veterans use it stating it helps relieve the extreme challenges they face returning home from a war zone. Mentally clouded individuals, due to injury or life circumstances, tell us how after using NeurOptimal® they’ve rediscovered clarity to an extent they and their loved ones once believed unattainable. Brain training with NeurOptimal® has helped improve the lives of children suffering from communication and social challenges, and general difficulties focusing in school. And many challenges stemming from stress commonly fall away when the brain is trained for optimal function.

One thing we can’t guarantee is that the exact result you want is what you get, the brain is in charge. But we can say that when the brain is optimized and flexible and resilient, subsequently, you ‘get out of your own way’. You gain a variety of benefits, in your thoughts, behaviors, emotions, mood etc.


How can I tell if NeurOptimal® is working?

When you’re no longer suffering, you don’t always recognize your progress. Similarly, when your brain becomes more efficient, it's often hard to specifically recall what it felt like before. This is why NeurOptimal® clients complete an extensive questionnaire covering a variety of topics on the first day, and then again after a few sessions, so they can objectively compare the two. Unfortunately it's difficult to measure the positive effects of NeurOptimal® exactly because it's all happening subconsciously, in the brain.


Can NeurOptimal® prevent or reverse cognitive decline, such as Dementia or Alzheimer’s?

This is a two-part question. Alzheimer's prevention has no definitive answers at this point, but researchers all over the world are working to remedy this. While some aspects of cognitive decline, like genetics, are unchangeable, there is some evidence to suggest that lifestyle shifts can reduce risk factors. Some studies have also found that engaging in cognitively stimulating activities, like Neurofeedback, can lower the risk of Alzheimer’s-related cognitive impairment and Dementia.

As far as reversal goes, that depends. If early symptoms of cognitive decline are recognized, Neurofeedback can be utilized to potentially maintain cognitive ability, including the preservation of memory and reasoning. Neurofeedback cannot reverse a degenerative cognitive disease (structural damage in the brain, like what occurs with Alzheimer’s disease) but it can possibly help improve symptoms and delay progression. Essentially, neurofeedback engages with parts of the brain that are still healthy and functioning to prevent further degradation and maximize their function.

Read more here.


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